What About Me 21°

Let's twerk.





This shit is bananas: B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Hello beautiful people,

I know many of you were eagerly waiting for this edition to find out where I'm working and what my life will be like after the last edition. But not this time! I still want to stabilize a bit before sharing that, and honestly, I want to talk about a very special moment for me today.

Last week, I had my final performance in my twerking class - remember when I mentioned I started taking it? Although I was very happy with the result (even if I wasn't perfect), today I want to talk about my mental process leading up to the performance.

I feel like I went through all the stages of denial:

  • First, I said I wouldn't participate. I didn't feel ready and didn't think I was at a level that I considered good enough for myself.

  • Then I started thinking: "Why not?" Out of embarrassment?” There will be several people dancing, and honestly, no one cares.” So I decided to participate but without inviting anyone, just doing the performance for the pride of doing it for myself.

  • After I started feeling confident with the choreography, I thought, "Wow... But such a cool memory, and I won't have any photos to remember it? Nothing to share with my kids in the future?" So I decided that if I had the chance, I would invite one person to take pictures.

  • On the day of the performance, super excited, super confident, and feeling ready, I ended up getting two tickets and inviting two people who are very important to me.

Sharing this with them was wonderful. Knowing that there were people cheering for me was wonderful. And that's not natural for me. You know, when I was a kid and did theater, I used to ask my parents not to come to watch me. And I didn't do it for drama; I genuinely didn't want them to come. I felt more comfortable that way.

And what changed? 

I think the main thing is that I was doing it for myself and no one else. When I did theater, I wanted people to think I was the best actor in the world, a talent to be discovered, I wanted my parents to be proud of my performance, and that trapped me. But last week, I was super proud of my progress, feeling like the hottest person in the world, and just wanting to share my talents with the people I love. My success there came from me and no one else. I was just sharing my success with them.

I also think it's important to mention that I was the only guy dancing in a group of twenty girls. In the past, I would never have performed as the only guy. I hated being in places with only girls, wouldn't do anything too feminine, and always tried to suppress my femininity, especially in public. So going there and being okay with being the only guy, in small shorts, shaking my ass, was very empowering for me. Being okay with the femininity within me is a long, long journey that I feel I'm just beginning to discover, but I'm very happy to be allowing myself to explore it.

So today's lessons are: Make your success something that comes from you and not from others - and after that then, you can share it with those you love.

And don't be afraid to twerk with a group full of girls. It can be really fun.

With love,
