What about me 2°

Australia and reflections



hello i’m awesome

Hello beautiful,

This month marks exactly one year of one the happiest chapters of my life - my time in Australia.

For the lost ones: I was invited to do an assigment in Sydney, Australia as part of my graduate program between September and December 2022.

I can honestly say I never experienced a single sad moment during my stay. I woke up with a smile, went to bed with a smile, and spent my days in a state of perpetual happiness. But why was I so happy there? What made it different from my regular life? I spend many nights wondering and I'd like to share some of my thoughts.

The awareness of temporality: I knew my time in Australia was limited, and as humans, we tend to cherish things more when we know they're finite. Annoyances became less bothersome because I knew they were temporary, while pleasant moments were treasured since I knew they will soon come to an end. It's hard to apply this perspective to everyday life when we don't see an end for our daily struggles, but how can we infuse the beauty of the finite into our daily existence - allowing us to appreciate more what life can bring?

Money Matters: Knowing exactly what I can spend, whether I'll make it to the end of the month or what would happen if I got laid off, are just examples of thoughts that trigger anxiety in me like no other. But not there. With my company covering all my expenses (shoes not included), for the first time I didn't have worry about money at all. This newfound financial security opened up a huge mental space and now I could use that to focus on developing my passions and fully enjoy my free time. It was by having a life without constant financial worry that I realized the value of being financially well off and how important that is to happiness overall. Imagine if we didn’t have to worry about money as much as we do?

My own company: I spent more time alone there than ever before - For the first time I challenged myself to dine alone, I did my first solo vacation, I went to museums by myself and I literally got to fall in love with another side of me that I had never explored. While I still believe that sharing happiness with loved ones is invaluable, I also realized that we need to know how to share our own happiness with ourselves.

P.S. It's hard to believe it's already been two weeks since the launch of Tanamesa. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and I'm grateful that many of you enjoyed the content. I've been carefully listening to your feedback and I am brainstorming ways to incorporate it into future editions. Thank you for all the love and support.
