What About Me 16°

Is it really superficial ?



one hot pile of good advices coming up


It feels like just yesterday that I came here to talk about my Easter tradition with my father. In fact, many of you reached out to say how much you enjoyed the story! I was thrilled by the reception. Thank you so so much for your love!

Today, I'm here to talk about “trivial” things.

This year has been quite demanding. I've been working more, and after work, I'm studying for an important exam. Between the gym, work, and study, my routine becomes a bit exhausting and frankly, quite monotonous. My greatest joy has been planning my trips. Sometimes on the subway, sometimes before sleeping, I dream about the places I'll visit, thinking about the places I need to research, and making imaginary itineraries to distract myself from the daily grind.

Not that I'm unhappy, because happiness is a whole other topic way bigger than this, but in this race against time that my routine has become, my trips, or the planning of them (which are as much a part of the experience as the trip itself), are what motivate me to wake up the next day and keep moving forward, strong and always smiling (almost).

And in three days, I embark on a very important trip for me. My 25th-year trip. I've wanted to do this for a long time, and I think it will be a very important period for reflection, spending time with myself, and celebrating this crazy journey that has been my life so far. Yet, it coincides with financial concerns—rising rent and the cost of living in Italy challenge the justification of this trip as a birthday celebration, making it seem like an luxury I should perhaps forego.

Discussing this with my psychologist (here he is again…), he raised a very important point:

  • "So, you're saying these trips are what's motivating you to continue..."

  • "Most days, yes..." - I said beautifully

  • "but you feel guilty because it's a superficial expense..."

  • "Yes, exactly..."

  • "Well, if these trips are what's motivating you to move forward... is it really that “superficial”?

This really stuck with me. Let’s think about it.

In this case, it was about trips, but it could anything. A gift you gave yourself and felt guilty about afterward, or a passion you feel guilty about pursuing because it takes away your time from more "useful" things... It could even simply be feeling guilty about playing video games when you get home instead of doing something "productive"...

The weight of these “superficial” things in our lives is immense. Because it's these superficial things that make the hard times, easier! In my case it's this trip, for you it might be a glass of wine and a good movie before bed, for others it might be saving money to buy Prada bags... Without any kind of judgment, often it's the light things that make a dull day worthwhile.

I wanted to leave this reflection here because we are part of a generation that is always trying to be efficient or productive. We feel guilty for the superficial. But my trip is not superficial. It is actually quite important. Let’s redefine what we consider 'trivial' in a life that demands constant productivity? Let’s think how these moments of perceived frivolity actually contribute to our overall sense of happiness? Maybe more than one would think.

Go eat that McDonalds, go buy that plane ticket, and go search for an amazing birthday gift for yours favorite…

With love,
