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Welcome to heaven! I'm your lucky seven

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” - Socrates



war of words or the beginning of a global rupture

Venezuela’s Annexation Bid

In a drastic move with geopolitical implications, Venezuela is on the verge of approving the annexation of a substantial portion of Guyana, setting the stage for potential geopolitical trouble. Their recent referendum regarding the subject, strategically held right before next year's presidential elections, witnessed an overwhelming 97.8% approval for annexation, with 10 million votes cast out of a potential 20 million — reflecting a significant 50% abstention rate.

  • Why Micael? Let me tell you. The contested area, Essequibo, shares a border with Venezuela and constitutes a staggering 74% of Guyana's landmass, spanning over 160,000 square kilometers. The significance lies not merely in territorial claims but in the vast resources of the region. Guyana holds a staggering 75% of Brazil's oil equivalent, positions itself as a key player in the global energy landscape, anticipating a remarkable 38% GDP expansion this year.

Yet, this geopolitical chess game takes a concerning turn as Guyana's President (obviously) rebuffs the referendum results, asserting support from influential nations such as the United States, Canada, and France. The United Nations has also intervened, declaring Venezuela's annexation attempts illegitimate. Nevertheless, President Maduro, undeterred by international objections, refuses to acknowledge the decisions of the International Court.

Personal Opinion: Usually, I would be skeptical that this could escalate into something significant, especially with the backing of countries like the United States and France. However, we are already witnessing two ongoing wars, and powerful nations are already polarized between Europe vs. Russia and Israel vs. Palestine. This could mark yet another major polarization. Without intending to sound melodramatic, it's worth noting that the first and second world wars also began with small similar geopolitical tensions that escalated quite too quickly…

What else is on?
  • Some good news! Brazilian government creates a "savings grant" to ensure that low-income high school students attend school. The grant will be passed on to the students, one part every month and another when they finish their studies.

  • No more smoking. France introduced a ban on smoking in some public areas as part of a comprehensive anti-tobacco plan. The four-year 'plan anti-tabac' will also see lighting up prohibited outside of schools and in government-owned forests and green areas. 

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion momentum. After US Supreme Court’s June ruling striking down the use of race-conscious admissions in higher education, many American companies have decided to suspend their diversity and inclusion programs for minorities.

  • Modern Coup. More than a dozen military officers arrested in Sierra Leone over 'failed coup'. The attackers attempted to “overthrow the elected government of the country.


how green are we actually?

The World Inside, Singapore
COP 28: Navigating the Climate Landscape


COP, or the Conference of the Parties, is the UN's annual climate conference. This year, COP28, happened in November 30 in Dubai, and introduced a groundbreaking element: the "global stocktake". This comprehensive assessment of progress since the Paris Agreement aims to quantify our achievements and challenges, providing an actual numerical snapshot of our climate journey.

  • Recent months have witnessed unprecedented strides in global climate action, punctuated by a trio of transformative laws in the United States and the EU's commitment to a 55% emissions reduction by 2030 - an actual numerical commitment to tangible change. Yet, amidst these triumphs, we confront a stark reality: global emissions hit an all-time high in 2021.

    Urgency and obligation underscore our collective responsibility. The urgent need for action is quantifiable – and this is why this COP in particular was so important.

    The Oil & Gas industry: The United Arab Emirates, a major oil producer, hosted the COP28, adding a layer of complexity to climate discussions. The oil and gas industry, responsible for three-quarters of global emissions in the energy sector, were faced with a moment of truth. Numbers paint a clear picture: to be on track for net-zero emissions by 2050, the industry must cut emissions from production and processing by 60% by 2030.

  • Investment in a Sustainable Future: As we scrutinize the industry's role, data suggests a misalignment between promises and actions. While some progress is visible, the numbers call for a more substantial commitment – only 1% of the industry's investment currently flows into clean energy.

More about it:



my ex-man brought his new girlfriend

Unwrapping the Spotify Wrapped 2023


Every year I am super excited to discover my new Spotify Wrapped, and I love judging my friends’ ones as well. Were you the playlist-making Alchemist or the skipping Hunter this year?

But although the wrap might feel like old news, I wanted to talk a bit about the behind the scenes. Spotify's Wrapped isn't just a data dump; it's a strategic blend of creativity and mathematics. The campaign, born in 2013 as a modest "Year in Review" has evolved into a cultural phenomenon. With over 60 million shares in 2020 and engaging features like the movie soundtrack of your life, a two-truths-and-a-lie quiz, and your unique "audio aura," Spotify Wrapped is a perfect example of transforming raw data into a shareable experience.

The company's creative director, Alex Bodman, revealed that teams begin crafting these experiences in the middle of the year, and the approval process is as simple as it gets. Essentially, he and the marketing director walk into a room, and if they laugh at the phrase, it gets the green light. (I didn’t thought they were THAT funny to be honest…)

 By merging cultural relevance with self-identity, Spotify creates data points that people are eager to share. Knowing how many hours you spent scrolling through TikTok might not be that cool, for example, but knowing you are among the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift or Drake listeners – now that's engaging and definitely worth posting.

And here's a bizarre fact – a survey by Spotify itself revealed that 7 out of 10 users are embarrassed to post their Wrapped on social media. Just imagine if they didn’t...

*highly recommend this interview with the company’s vice president and creative director in 2021.

What else is on?


To reflect

let’s organize a dinner - not in my house though

Saturday. Summer. Beautiful sunny day, so my friends and I decided to make a picnic and watch the sundown. Pretty fun and relaxed day.
What is the secret of happiness?

I already brought this topic here, but a new 85-year study has found that the number one answer to a happy life is "social aptitude" - or cultivating positive relationships.

  • According to the Harvard researchers, to achieve happiness, maintaining good relationships comes ahead of career, money and even health.

While cultivating reciprocal relationships, with mutual support and room for growth, brings the most satisfaction, spending too much time at work is a constant regret.

Not a surprise: Although having a lot of money and fame is not directly related to happiness, poverty does influence a person's satisfaction with life. But once basic needs - such as housing, food and education - are guaranteed, in most cases earning more money doesn't mean being happier.

The effects of loneliness 🚶‍♂️

With its physical effects - such as reduced brain function and disturbed sleep - for older adults, loneliness is more dangerous than obesity, increasing the chances of death by 26%.

However, showing that the problem is present at all ages, a survey (already shown in tanamesa’s fourth edition) showed that 1 in 3 people feel lonely - and the loneliest group were young people aged between 16 and 24.



A timeless allegory

Animal Farm by George Orwell: Ok, I know this one is a classic that a lot of you must have read already. However, in my attempt to read more this year I decided to give a chance to Orwell, giving him the pleasure of joining the select group of authors that are part of my arsenal. (My first book totally in Italian 😃 ). 

What surprised me the most is how fresh it seems. Even using the Russian (or Bolshevik) Revolution of 1917 as inspiration, the allegorical narrative really transcends time, serving as a mirror of societal dynamics. 

Synopsis: The book is set in a farm where the animals rebel against their human oppressors, and their struggle for liberation and equality reflects the universal human quest for justice. Orwell ingeniously uses the farm animals to symbolize different classes and political figures, creating a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of revolutions, the corrupting nature of power, and the potential for tyranny even in the pursuit of freedom.

Timeless Relevance: "Animal Farm" remains as relevant today as it was when first published in 1945. It is not a book about communism, socialism or anything as such. Its exploration of propaganda, manipulation, and the cyclical nature of power makes it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of political systems and human behavior. Rating (9/10)



random things you might like

  • What’s my name? You may recognize this aesthetic and know this is the work of the street artist Banksy, but now we also know his first name.

  • Rizz. The word of the year is out and the viral term is an abbreviation for charisma, or "the ability of someone to attract another person through style or charm".

  • Put the “i” in investing. Whatever your investing vibe might be, check out our 5-question financial personality quiz to get matched to a financial persona and receive episode recs of Fresh Invest.

  • Choices. Model voted Italy's most handsome man announces he will become a priest.

  • Lucid Dreams. Start up wants you to control your dreams with headband device that could allow people to even work while sleeping.

  • Love is in the air. Here’s how internet newest matchmakers help you find love




because I was born for this

You might not know this, but I've been writing my own songs since I was 12. We had a little piano at home since my dad used to play it, and one day, I began trying to learn it myself. My favorite memories in my Brazilian home are entwined with that piano. Writing songs has always been therapeutic for me, and even though my piano skills remained rather basic, music and writing were integral parts of my life — until I arrived in Italy.

Here, my new life brought fresh challenges and scarce free time. Honestly, I neither had the money nor the space for a keyboard in any of the places I lived. It was a different phase. I was here to study. Not much to blame; it was just a phase that passed, and I grew up. That's what people do, right? Wrong.

Unfortunately, I'm not alone in these sinking ship. So many young people let go of a passion or hobby when they enter university or adulthood. I have many friends who played the drums, did theater, coding, horse riding and they all put their passions aside after entering university, mostly due to a lack of time. It makes me wonder why, as we grow up, we struggle to find time for activities that were once so essential they defined us?

At my peak in 2018, I wrote 108 songs. Last year, a mere 17. I missed it. Profoundly. When I went back to Brazil, I'd rush to the keyboard to decipher the chords for those significant 17 songs. Creativity sparks creativity, and without an instrument, I just didn't write anymore. It wasn’t a phase that passed. It was me neglecting a huge part of myself. So, this year, I committed to setting aside some money each month, and last week, I finally acquired my first keyboard!!! It's still in its box because now I need to save money for the stand, but soon enough, I promise to share some photos of this beauty 😋 

To conclude: Sometimes we can fall into the trap of thinking that life is too demanding or too chaotic to make time for ourselves. Yet, let me emphasize - your primary mission here on Earth is to revel the unique experience of being alive as yourself. And embracing your authentic self involves creating moments dedicated to your passions. Period.

Purchasing this keyboard feels like reclaiming a part of me that has been dormant for far too long, almost like an emotional reawakening. So let’s all resist the urge to outgrow our interests - those very elements that shape the core of our being — and stop relegating them to the sidelines.

Ahhhhh, and before I sign off: Merry Christmas!!!!


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